Avoid all unnecessary radiation

Bed Bath Beyond radioactive

Remember those Dual Ridge Metal Boutique™ tissue boxes sold at Bed, Bath & Beyond stores? They were found to be radioactive. Made with the extremely dangerous cobalt-60, they emit gamma rays that are known to cause both cancer and infertility. Manufactured in India, they were shipped to the U.S. and distributed to Bed, Bath & Beyond stores in 20 states. Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesman David McIntyre said that standing near one of these tissue holders for 30 minutes a day would expose you to the equivalent of “a couple of chest X-Rays” each year. It’s interesting to consider how tritely he brushed off the importance of avoiding all unnecessary radiation. It is very important to be our own health advocates and to remember that all exposure to radiation poses a cumulative threat to a person’s health. With that fact in mind it makes sense for people to actively attempt to limit their exposures to radiation.
Ed. Note: I am reminded how it raised such a furor a year or two ago when research revealed that the annual mammograms so many physicians were recommending may actually be more of a threat to cause cancer than being helpful in prolonging life. The take away message for all of us is to ask a lot more questions, especially where harmful radiation is involved. Source: Naturalnews.com/034659_Bed_Bath_&_Beyond_radioactive_products.html#ixzz1k2AoYAbm

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