Who Needs Chiropractic?

In speaking with a valued practice member (I prefer the term, “practice member” to the term, “patient” because it’s better that we think of other people than just cases to work on) this morning, it occurred to me that I may not be providing enough information to people about what chiropractic really does.
It seems like perhaps people wonder if I’ve ‘gone over the deep end’ when I express my enthusiasm for the practice of chiropractic. Do they wonder if I view chiropractic as a cure-all; or do people think that it’s a self-serving desire to build my personal practice and wealth? These are questions that deserve answers.
Why should a chiropractor have so much passion for performing spinal adjustments? There’s a good answer and it goes much deeper than what’s obvious. After all, no one has difficulty understanding that they feel better after being under chiropractic care, but when we look at what’s really going on a whole new layer of understanding comes forth. A spinal adjustment changes much more than what we feel, it frees up the body’s own communication network (nerve system) to do what it’s intended to do. In a way it unleashes the power of the body to do its work and that’s a little understood power. It’s the intelligence that controls and coordinates all body function – not just how we feel. So who needs chiropractic? The answer is simple, anyone who wants to function without interference.

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