

This week several people have asked me whether I was doing anything special to prepare for the corona virus outbreak. Knowing that a properly functioning immune system is the key to staying well, and how corona has become a near-hysteria issue in the media, it’s important to consider some facts.

First, consider that as of this writing, U.S. health officials continue to tell us that we face a greater threat from the flu, than we do from the corona virus.[i] As of this morning, March 4, 2020, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) of the United Nations reports nine deaths having ties to corona in the U.S.[ii] The heartbreak their families suffer cannot be overstated. W.H.O. indicates a global death rate of 3.4% of the persons infected. Let us be mindful then that 96.6% of those infected survive the illness.

To give some perspective, yesterday the Los Angeles Times reported that the most recent pandemic flu outbreak of 2009 infected 60.8 million people in the U.S. resulting in approximately 12,500 fatalities. This compares to the 1918 Spanish flu outbreak, the worst epidemic in the 20th century, which resulted in 675,000 U.S. deaths. Dr. Otto Yang, infectious disease expert at UCLA says preventive measures like washing your hands frequently with soap and water, and staying home if you are sick. He added that soap and water are better than alcohol-based hand sanitizers for corona.[iii]

It’s interesting how very often some of the most basic good living habits have the biggest effect on whether or not people get sick. In addition to hygiene, nutrition, and exercise, Dr. Dan Murphy points out how important a good nerve supply is to optimal immune system function. Keep in mind that persons with a weakened immune system are usually the first to become ill. It was also fascinating to learn that during the horrible flu outbreak of 1918, people receiving chiropractic adjustments had 1/40th the death rate compared with those receiving medications to treat their illness. Here’s a link to his commentary:

The information about corona continues to change rapidly. As consumers it’s important for us to keep updated, but not to overreact. Wash regularly with soap and water, but don’t overdo it with antibacterial and alcohol based hand cleaners. Becoming a “germophobe” is an unhealthy, obsessive behavior. Remember, our bodies were designed to function in an environment that is full of microorganisms. Dr. Dwayne Hoskins, Executive Director of the Palmetto State Chiropractic Association, made the following short video yesterday (March 6th) to keep us updated on this unfolding situation. Here he is speaking about keeping your immune system strong.

I like to leave people with some practical things they can do for them and their family. Just to make the point, I thought we might list those things from the negative. So here’s a list of things to do if you want to weaken your immune system and become much more likely to become ill.

How to weaken your immune system:

  1. Eat lots of fast food. That way you can be sure your body lacks the vitamins, minerals, enzymes and micronutrients needed for optimal health.
  2. Avoid adequate rest. Stay up late and rely on sugar, tobacco, coffee and energy drinks as needed.
  3. Become dehydrated. Reduce the effectiveness of your natural defense mechanisms by avoiding pure, clear water.
  4. Stop exercising. Reduce the efficiency of your lymphatic system, which depends on movement to circulate this vital germ-fighting fluid.
  5. Rarely wash your hands. Use your dirty hands and fingers to rub your eyes, pick your nose or wipe your lips.
  6. Be negative. Expect only the worst. Worry that you’ll be a victim. Closely monitor news reports about outbreaks, and above all, be fearful.
  7. Skip your chiropractic adjustments. Handicap your nervous system, the master system that controls your entire body. Only get your spine checked when you hurt, and wait until symptoms are present before doing anything.

Remember, the best way to catch something is to make yourself a hospitable host.

[i] Kaiser Health News, Facts Vs. Fears: Five Things To Help Weigh Your Coronavirus Risk, accessed March 4, 2020.

[ii] New York Times, Coronavirus Live Updates,

[iii] Los Angeles Times, How bad could this coronavirus outbreak get?

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