How are you?

One of the greetings that we hear most often is “How are you?” The phrase comes out almost like a reflex, and often the answer does, too. We answer “Fine, how are you?” Then the greetings are over and regular conversation begins. All too often it’s nearly meaningless. In fact I’ve noticed that sometimes people share that greeting while quickly walking by each other in opposite directions! The hollow gestures are polite, even though trivial, but have you ever wondered why do we do it in the first place?

I think it has something to do with our concern about others, especially about their health and well-being. We all know that everything that’s important to us depends upon staying well. That includes caring for our family, art, music, our favorite sports, hobby or anything else we value. Whether performing or just enjoying these activities, it all depends upon our health. That’s why Gandhi said “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”

When we feel well it’s easy to forget just how much is going on within to keep us thriving. With every breath we take we’re changing our body chemistry and adapting it to the needs of our environment. Everything we eat requires a complex series of chemical and physical changes that can change a banana into a part of our walking, talking living body. Thousands of adaptive processes occur within the body all day long, and all of this is controlled by the brain, which communicates with the rest of the body through the nerve system. That’s why a good functioning nerve supply is essential to our well-being. It’s also why we should see our chiropractor when we feel fine, not just after something hurts. When was the last time your kids had a chiropractic checkup?

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